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Email communication

Improve email communication

Avoid the risks of faulty communication via your email service by securing safe and efficient email access from inside your local network as well as from outside, avoid receiving unwanted messages and secure protection in case of unforeseen data loss incidents.

Communication security

Benefit from the advantages of a safe email communication by using advanced encryption protocols for email content.

Our security specialists can guarantee:
  • Management for the specialized services used to send and store emails
  • Tracking of and optimization of anti-spam filters
  • Automated scans each hour of the SPAM database and the removal in the case of accidental blacklisting of server address or real-time solution
  • Tracking of and periodic updates for anti-virus definition databases
  • Management for email clients and access policies
  • Identify mail routes and resolve any situation caused by messages not arriving at their destination and escalate towards the identified location
  • Periodic log investigation, the identification of alarms and proactive solving for any situation